language en


Release 2023/12/01

Latest version:
Julian Gutierrez MoretJ. Javier Samper Zapater, IRTIC - (Instituto de Robótica y Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación), Universitat de València.
Tam Tam Research, CVUT, ESAM Technologies & LMT.
IRTIC - (Instituto de Robótica y Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación), Universitat de València.
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Julian Gutierrez MoretJ. Javier Samper Zapater, IRTIC - (Instituto de Robótica y Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación), Universitat de València. LOD SRTI DATEX II. Revision: 1.1.

Ontology Specification Draft


An RDF/OWL vocabulary to represent SRTI DATEX II profile (according the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 886/2013) within the European LOD-RoadTran18 action "Supporting the cross-border use of Road Traffic Data with Linked Open Data based on DATEX II (LOD-RoadTran18)" (Agreement No: INEA/CEF/ICT/A2018/1803421, Action No: 2018-EU-IA-0088). The vocabulary is used for mapping between DATEX II vers. 3 and LOD formats.

Introduction back to ToC

Ontology to define the concepts related to road traffic, its situations and its elements, which are presented in the DATEX II standard.
Due to the large amount of information contained in the DATEX standard, in the scope of the action, it was decided to focus on traffic situations with a Safety Related Traffic Information (SRTI)  profile, according to the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 886/2013.

Namespace declarations

Table 1: Namespaces used in the document
dtx_srti <>
com <>
qudt <>
adms <>
owl <>
xsd <>
CountryRepresentation <>
skos <>
roads <>
rdfs <>
geo_core <>
unit <>
geosparql <>
administrativeUnit <>
geographic <>
LanguageRepresentation <>
rdf <>
terms <>
xml <>
wgs84_pos <>
time <>
vann <>
dc <>

LOD SRTI DATEX II: Overview back to ToC

This ontology has the following classes and properties.


Object Properties

Data Properties

Annotation Properties

Named Individuals

LOD SRTI DATEX II: Description back to ToC

The ontology is organized into two large groups: the different incidents of traffic (Situation Records) occurring on the road networks and their geographical location.

Situation Record

Location Referencing

Location Objects





Cross-reference for LOD SRTI DATEX II classes, object properties and data properties back to ToC

This section provides details for each class and property defined by LOD SRTI DATEX II.


abnormal trafficc back to ToC or Class ToC


A traffic condition which is not normal.
has super-classes
traffic element c
is in domain of
has abnormal traffic type op, has relative traffic flow enum op, has traffic flow characteristics enum op, has traffic trend type enum op, number of vehicles waiting dp, queue length op

abnormal traffic type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Descriptive terms for abnormal traffic conditions specifically relating to the nature of the traffic movement, implying levels of service.
is equivalent to
{ heavy traffic , other , queuing traffic , slow traffic , stationary traffic , unspecified abnormal traffic }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has abnormal traffic type op
has members
heavy traffic ni, other ni, queuing traffic ni, slow traffic ni, stationary traffic ni, unspecified abnormal traffic ni

accidentc back to ToC or Class ToC


Accidents are events where one or more vehicles are involved in collisions or in leaving the roadway. These include collisions between vehicles or with other road users or obstacles.
has super-classes
traffic element c
is in domain of
has accident type op
is disjoint with
conditions c, obstruction c

accident type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Collection of descriptive terms for types of accidents.
is equivalent to
{ accident , accident involving hazardous materials , accident involving heavy lorries , collision , multiple vehicle accident }
has super-classes
situation enumerations c
is in range of
has accident type op
has members
accident ni, accident involving hazardous materials ni, accident involving heavy lorries ni, collision ni, multiple vehicle accident ni

activityc back to ToC or Class ToC


A collection of information relating to human activities external to the traffic stream or roadway which could disrupt traffic.
has super-classes
traffic element c
has sub-classes
disturbance activity c, public event c
is in domain of
has mobility of activity op

administrative unitc back to ToC or Class ToC


Used in DATEX II to identification of the road administration area which contains the specified linear section or point.
has super-classes
common classes c
is in range of
has administrative area of linear section op, has administrative area of point op

alert cc back to ToC or Class ToC


Alert C location
has super-classes
location objects c
has sub-classes
alert c area c, alert c direction c, alert c linear c, alert c location c, alert c method2 primary point location c, alert c method2 secondary point location c, alert c method4 primary point location c, alert c method4 secondary point location c, alert c point c

alert c areac back to ToC or Class ToC


An area defined by reference to a predefined ALERT-C location table.
has super-classes
alert c c
is in range of
has alert c area op

alert c directionc back to ToC or Class ToC


The direction of traffic flow along the road to which the information relates.
has super-classes
alert c c
is in domain of
alert c direction named dp, has alert c affected direction op, has alert c direction coded op
is in range of
has alert c direction op
is disjoint with
alert c location c

alert c direction enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Direction used to reach the primary location from the secondary location in ALERT-C location table, as defined in CEN ISO 14819-1
is equivalent to
{ both , negative , positive }
has super-classes
location referencing enumerations c
is in range of
has alert c direction coded op
has members
both ni, negative ni, positive ni

alert c linearc back to ToC or Class ToC


A linear section along a road defined between two points on the road by reference to a pre-defined ALERT-C location table. When there are multiple instances of AlertCLinear they should represent the same location using different location tables.
has super-classes
alert c c
has sub-classes
alert c linear by code c, alert c method2 linear c, alert c method4 linear c
is in range of
has alert c linear op

alert c linear by codec back to ToC or Class ToC


A linear section along a road defined by reference to a linear section in a pre-defined ALERT-C location table.
has super-classes
alert c linear c
is in domain of
has location code for linear location op

alert c locationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Identification of a specific point, linear or area location in an ALERT-C location table.
has super-classes
alert c c
is in domain of
alert c location name dp, specific location dp
is in range of
has alert c location op, has location code for linear location op
is disjoint with
alert c direction c

alert c method2 linearc back to ToC or Class ToC


A linear section along a road between two points, primary and secondary, which are pre-defined in an ALERT-C location table. Direction is FROM the secondary point TO the primary point, i.e. the primary point is downstream of the secondary point.
has super-classes
alert c linear c
is in domain of
has alert c method2 secondary point location op

alert c method2 pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


A single point on the road network defined by reference to a point in a pre-defined ALERT-C location table and which has an associated direction of traffic flow.
has super-classes
alert c point c

alert c method2 primary point locationc back to ToC or Class ToC


The point (called Primary point) which is either a single point or at the downstream end of a linear road section. The point is specified by a reference to a point in a pre-defined ALERT-C location table.
has super-classes
alert c c
is in range of
has alert c method2 primary point location op

alert c method2 secondary point locationc back to ToC or Class ToC


The point (called Secondary point) which is at the upstream end of a linear road section. The point is specified by a reference to a point in a pre-defined ALERT-C location table.
has super-classes
alert c c
is in range of
has alert c method2 secondary point location op

alert c method4 linearc back to ToC or Class ToC


A linear section along a road between two points, primary and secondary, which are pre-defined ALERT-C locations plus offset distance. Direction is FROM the secondary point TO the primary point, i.e. the primary point is downstream of the secondary point.
has super-classes
alert c linear c
is in domain of
has alert c method4 secondary point location op

alert c method4 pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


A single point on the road network defined by reference to a point in a pre-defined ALERT-C location table plus an offset distance and which has an associated direction of traffic flow.
has super-classes
alert c point c

alert c method4 primary point locationc back to ToC or Class ToC


The point (called Primary point) which is either a single point or at the downstream end of a linear road section. The point is specified by a reference to a point in a pre-defined ALERT-C location table plus a non-negative offset distance.
has super-classes
alert c c
is in range of
has alert c method4 primary point location op

alert c method4 secondary point locationc back to ToC or Class ToC


The point (called Secondary point) which is at the upstream end of a linear road section. The point is specified by a reference to a point in a pre-defined Alert-C location table plus a non-negative offset distance.
has super-classes
alert c c
is in range of
has alert c method4 secondary point location op

alert c pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


A single point on the road network defined by reference to a pre-defined ALERT-C location table and which has an associated direction of traffic flow.
has super-classes
alert c c
has sub-classes
alert c method2 point c, alert c method4 point c
is in range of
has alert c point op
is disjoint with
tpeg point c

alpha2 codec back to ToC or Class ToC


A digraph representing a country or geographic region
Is defined by
has super-classes
l c c country representation c
is in range of
country op, source country op

altitude confidencec back to ToC or Class ToC


Evaluation of the altitude confidence assessed according to ETSI ISO 102894-2
has super-classes
height coordinate association from c
is in domain of
has altitude accuracy coded value op, has position confidence coded error enum op
is in range of
has altitude confidence op

angle in degrees valuec back to ToC or Class ToC


A measured or value of Angles. An integer number representing an angle in whole degrees between 0 and 359.
has super-classes
QuantityValue c
is in range of
bearing op, openlr bearing op, semi major axis orientation op

animal presence obstructionc back to ToC or Class ToC


An obstruction on the road resulting from the presence of animals.
has super-classes
obstruction c
is in domain of
has animal presence type enum op
is disjoint with
environmental obstruction c, general obstruction c, vehicle obstruction c

animal presence type emumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of animal presence.
is equivalent to
{ animals on the road , herd of animals on the road , large animals on the road }
has super-classes
situation enumerations c
is in range of
has animal presence type enum op
has members
animals on the road ni, herd of animals on the road ni, large animals on the road ni

area locationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Location representing a geographic or geometric defined area which may be qualified by height information to provide additional geospatial discrimination (e.g. for snow in an area but only above a certain altitude). Associations: 0..* AlertCArea 0..1 TpegAreaLocation 0..1 NamedArea 0..1 GmlMultiPolygon 0..1 OpenlrAreaLocationReference
has super-classes
Location c
is in domain of
has alert c area op, has area places enum op, has gml multi polygon op, has openlr area location reference op, has tpeg area location op

carriagewayc back to ToC or Class ToC


Supplementary positional information which details carriageway and lane locations. Several instances may exist where the element being described extends over more than one carriageway.
has super-classes
supplementary positional pack c
is in domain of
has carriageway enum op, has lane op, original number of lanes dp
is in range of
has carriageway op

cause type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of causes of situations which are not managed or are off network.
is equivalent to
{ accident cause , congestion , equipment failure , infrastructure failure , obstruction , poor weather , problems at border post , problems at custom post , problems on local roads , roadside event , security incident , terrorism , vandalism }
has super-classes
situation enumerations c
has members
accident cause ni, congestion ni, equipment failure ni, infrastructure failure ni, obstruction ni, poor weather ni, problems at border post ni, problems at custom post ni, problems on local roads ni, roadside event ni, security incident ni, terrorism ni, vandalism ni

collectionc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
skos classes c

common classesc back to ToC or Class ToC


Common classes
has sub-classes
Language c, NutsResource c, administrative unit c, data value c, delays c, header information c, impact c, international identifier c, mobility c, named area c, overall period c, source c, subjects c, validity c, vehicle c, vehicle characteristics c

conceptc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
skos classes c

concept schemec back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
skos classes c

conditionsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Any conditions which have the potential to degrade normal driving conditions.
has super-classes
traffic element c
has sub-classes
poor environment conditions c, road surface conditions c
is in domain of
has driving condition type enum op
is disjoint with
accident c, obstruction c

construction work type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of works relating to construction.
is equivalent to
{ blasting work , construction work }
has super-classes
situation enumerations c
is in range of
has construction work type op
has members
blasting work ni, construction work ni

construction worksc back to ToC or Class ToC


Roadworks involving the construction of new infrastructure.
has super-classes
road works c
is in domain of
has construction work type op

countryc back to ToC or Class ToC


Country Code from LCC Countries Representation
Is defined by
has super-classes
l c c country representation c

country subdivisionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Country Subdivision Code from LCC Countries Representation
Is defined by
has super-classes
l c c country representation c
is in range of
has country subdivision op

data valuec back to ToC or Class ToC


A data value of something that can be measured or calculated. Any provided meta-data values specified in the attributes override any specified generic characteristics such as defined for a specific measurement in the MeasurementSiteTable.
has super-classes
common classes c
has sub-classes
QuantityValue c, vehicle flow value c
is in domain of
accuracy dp, data error dp, has computation method enum op, number of incomplete inputs dp, number of input values used dp, reason for data error dp, smoothing factor dp, standard deviation dp, supplier calculated data quality dp

Date-Time descriptionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Description of date and time structured with separate values for the various elements of a calendar-clock system. The temporal reference system is fixed to Gregorian Calendar, and the range of year, month, day properties restricted to corresponding XML Schema types xsd:gYear, xsd:gMonth and xsd:gDay, respectively.
Description of date and time structured with separate values for the various elements of a calendar-clock system. The temporal reference system is fixed to Gregorian Calendar, and the range of year, month, day properties restricted to corresponding XML Schema types xsd:gYear, xsd:gMonth and xsd:gDay, respectively.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Generalized date-time description c
has sub-classes
January c, Month of year c

Date-time intervalc back to ToC or Class ToC


DateTimeInterval is a subclass of ProperInterval, defined using the multi-element DateTimeDescription.
DateTimeInterval is a subclass of ProperInterval, defined using the multi-element DateTimeDescription.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Proper interval c
is in domain of
has Date-Time description op, has XSD date-time dp

Day of weekc back to ToC or Class ToC


The day of week
The day of week
Is defined by
has super-classes
thing c, time classes c
is in range of
day of week op

delay band enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


The time band within which the additional travel time due to adverse travel conditions of any kind falls, when compared to "normal conditions".
is equivalent to
{ between one hour and three hours , between ten minutes and thirty minutes , between thirty minutes and one hour , between three hours and six hours , longer than six hours , negligible , up to ten minutes }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
delay band op
has members
between one hour and three hours ni, between ten minutes and thirty minutes ni, between thirty minutes and one hour ni, between three hours and six hours ni, longer than six hours ni, negligible ni, up to ten minutes ni

delaysc back to ToC or Class ToC


The details of the delays being caused by the situation element defined in the situation record. It is recommended to only use one of the optional attributes to avoid confusion.
has super-classes
common classes c
is in domain of
delay band op, delay time value dp, delays type op
is in range of
has delays op

delays type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Coarse classification of the delay.
is equivalent to
{ delays , delays of uncertain duration , long delays , very long delays }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
delays type op
has members
delays ni, delays of uncertain duration ni, long delays ni, very long delays ni

direction purpose enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Main purpose of a direction of a road
is equivalent to
{ inbound , outbound }
has super-classes
location referencing enumerations c
is in range of
has direction purpose op
has members
inbound ni, outbound ni

distance along linear elementc back to ToC or Class ToC


Distance of a point along a linear element either measured from the start node or a defined referent on that linear element, where the start node is relative to the element definition rather than the direction of traffic flow.
has super-classes
linear referencing c
has sub-classes
distance from linear element referent c, distance from linear element start c, percentage distance along linear element c
is in range of
has distance along linear element op, has distance along linear element from op, has distance along linear element to op

distance from linear element referentc back to ToC or Class ToC


Distance of a point along a linear element measured from a "from referent" on the linear element, in the sense relative to the linear element definition rather than the direction of traffic flow or optionally towards a "towards referent".
has super-classes
distance along linear element c
is in domain of
has referent op, has referent from op, has referent towards op

distance from linear element startc back to ToC or Class ToC


Distance of a point along a linear element measured from the start node of the linear element, where start node is relative to the element definition rather than the direction of traffic flow.
has super-classes
distance along linear element c

disturbance activityc back to ToC or Class ToC


Deliberate human action of either a public disorder nature or of a situation alert type which could disrupt traffic.
has super-classes
activity c
is in domain of
has disturbance activity type enum op

disturbance activity type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of disturbance activities.
is equivalent to
{ crowd , demonstration , evacuation , other }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has disturbance activity type enum op
has members
crowd ni, demonstration ni, evacuation ni, other ni

driving condition type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of the perceived driving conditions.
is equivalent to
{ hazardous , impossible , normal , other , passable with care , unknown , very hazardous , winter conditions }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has driving condition type enum op
has members
hazardous ni, impossible ni, normal ni, other ni, passable with care ni, unknown ni, very hazardous ni, winter conditions ni

Duration descriptionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Description of temporal extent structured with separate values for the various elements of a calendar-clock system. The temporal reference system is fixed to Gregorian Calendar, and the range of each of the numeric properties is restricted to xsd:decimal
Description of temporal extent structured with separate values for the various elements of a calendar-clock system. The temporal reference system is fixed to Gregorian Calendar, and the range of each of the numeric properties is restricted to xsd:decimal
Is defined by
has super-classes
Generalized duration description c
has sub-classes
Year c

enumsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Data Dictionary.This clause contains the definitions of all enumerations which are used.
has sub-classes
location referencing enumerations c, non s r t i enum c, openlr enumerations c, pay load enumerations c, situation enumerations c, tpeg enumerations c

environmental obstructionc back to ToC or Class ToC


An obstruction on the road resulting from an environmental cause.
has super-classes
obstruction c
is in domain of
has environmental obstruction type enum op
is disjoint with
animal presence obstruction c, general obstruction c, vehicle obstruction c

environmental obstruction type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of environmental obstructions.
is equivalent to
{ avalanches , fallen trees , flooding , landslips , rockfalls , subsidence }
has super-classes
situation enumerations c
is in range of
has environmental obstruction type enum op
has members
avalanches ni, fallen trees ni, flooding ni, landslips ni, rockfalls ni, subsidence ni

Featurec back to ToC or Class ToC


A discrete spatial phenomenon in a universe of discourse.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Spatial Object c
has sub-classes
situation record c
is in domain of
default geometry op, has bounding box op, has centroid op, has default geometry op, has geometry op
is disjoint with
Geometry c

Feature Collectionc back to ToC or Class ToC


A collection of individual Features.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Spatial Object Collection c

general instruction or message to road usersc back to ToC or Class ToC


General instruction and/or message that is issued by the network/road operator which is applicable to drivers and sometimes passengers.
has super-classes
network management c
is in domain of
general message to road users dp, has general instruction or message to road users type op

general instruction or message to road users type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


General instructions that may be issued to road users (specifically drivers and sometimes passengers) by an operator or operational system in support of network management activities or emergency situations.
is equivalent to
{ allow emergency vehicles to pass , approach with care , avoid the area , close all windows turn off heater and vents , cross junction with care , do not allow unnecessary gaps , do not leave your vehicle , do not throw out any burning objects , do not use navigation systems , drive carefully , drive with extreme caution , flash your lights , follow the vehicle in front smoothly , in emergency wait for patrol service , increase normal following distance , keep your distance , leave your vehicle proceed to next safe place , no naked flames , no overtaking , no smoking , no stopping , no uturns , observe amber alert , observe signals , observe signs , only travel if absolutely necessary , other , overtake with care , pull over to the edge of the roadway , stop at next safe place , stop at next service area , switch off engine , switch off mobile phones and two way radios , test your brakes , use bus service , use fog lights , use hazard warning lights , use headlights , use rail service , use tram service , use underground service , wait for escort vehicle }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has general instruction or message to road users type op
has members
allow emergency vehicles to pass ni, approach with care ni, avoid the area ni, close all windows turn off heater and vents ni, cross junction with care ni, do not allow unnecessary gaps ni, do not leave your vehicle ni, do not throw out any burning objects ni, do not use navigation systems ni, drive carefully ni, drive with extreme caution ni, flash your lights ni, follow the vehicle in front smoothly ni, in emergency wait for patrol service ni, increase normal following distance ni, keep your distance ni, leave your vehicle proceed to next safe place ni, no naked flames ni, no overtaking ni, no smoking ni, no stopping ni, no uturns ni, observe amber alert ni, observe signals ni, observe signs ni, only travel if absolutely necessary ni, other ni, overtake with care ni, pull over to the edge of the roadway ni, stop at next safe place ni, stop at next service area ni, switch off engine ni, switch off mobile phones and two way radios ni, test your brakes ni, use bus service ni, use fog lights ni, use hazard warning lights ni, use headlights ni, use rail service ni, use tram service ni, use underground service ni, wait for escort vehicle ni

general network managementc back to ToC or Class ToC


Network management action which is applicable to the road network and its users. "trafficManuallyDirectedBy" is only valid if "hasGeneralNetworkManagementTypeEnum" is set to "trafficBeingManuallyDirected".
has super-classes
network management c
is in domain of
has general network management type op, traffic manually directed by op

general network management type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of network management actions.
is equivalent to
{ bridge swing in operation , convoy service , obstacle signalling , other , ramp metering in operation , temporary traffic lights , toll gates open , traffic being manually directed , traffic held }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has general network management type op
has members
bridge swing in operation ni, convoy service ni, obstacle signalling ni, other ni, ramp metering in operation ni, temporary traffic lights ni, toll gates open ni, traffic being manually directed ni, traffic held ni

general obstructionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Any stationary or moving obstacle of a physical nature, other than of an animal, vehicle, environmental, or damaged equipment nature.
has super-classes
obstruction c
is in domain of
has obstruction type enum op
is disjoint with
animal presence obstruction c, environmental obstruction c, vehicle obstruction c

Generalized date-time descriptionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Description of date and time structured with separate values for the various elements of a calendar-clock system
Description of date and time structured with separate values for the various elements of a calendar-clock system
Is defined by
has super-classes
Temporal position c
has sub-classes
Date-Time description c
is in domain of
day dp, day of week op, day of year dp, hour dp, in time zone op, minute dp, month dp, month of year op, second dp, week dp, year dp
is in range of
has Date-Time description op, in date-time description op

Generalized duration descriptionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Description of temporal extent structured with separate values for the various elements of a calendar-clock system.
Description of temporal extent structured with separate values for the various elements of a calendar-clock system.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Temporal duration c
has sub-classes
Duration description c
is in domain of
days duration dp, hours duration dp, minutes dp, months duration dp, seconds duration dp, weeks duration dp, years duration dp
is in range of
has duration description op

geo sparql classesc back to ToC or Class ToC


The OGC GeoSPARQL standard supports representing and querying geospatial data on the Semantic Web. GeoSPARQL defines a vocabulary for representing geospatial data in RDF, and it defines an extension to the SPARQL query language for processing geospatial data.
has super-classes
imported classes c
has sub-classes
Spatial Object c

geo w g s84 data properties data propertiesc back to ToC or Class ToC


Geo WGS84 vocabulary
has super-classes
imported classes c
has sub-classes
spatial thing c

geographic characteristic enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Descriptor to help to identify a specific location.
is equivalent to
{ around a bend in road , on border , on pass , over crest of hill }
has super-classes
location referencing enumerations c
is in range of
has geographic descriptor op
has members
around a bend in road ni, on border ni, on pass ni, over crest of hill ni

Geometryc back to ToC or Class ToC


A coherent set of direct positions in space. The positions are held within a Spatial Reference System (SRS).
Is defined by
has super-classes
Spatial Object c
is in domain of
as DGGS dp, as GML dp, as GeoJSON dp, as KML dp, as WKT dp, coordinate dimension dp, dimension dp, has serialization dp, has spatial accuracy op, has spatial accuracy in meters dp, has spatial resolution op, has spatial resolution in meters dp, is empty dp, is simple dp, spatial dimension dp
is in range of
default geometry op, has bounding box op, has centroid op, has default geometry op, has geometry op
is disjoint with
Feature c

Geometry Collectionc back to ToC or Class ToC


A collection of individual Geometries.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Spatial Object Collection c

gmlc back to ToC or Class ToC


GML location
has super-classes
location objects c
has sub-classes
gml line string c, gml multi polygon c, gml polygon c

gml line stringc back to ToC or Class ToC


Line string based on GML (EN ISO 19136) definition: a curve defined by a series of two or more coordinate tuples. Unlike GML may be self-intersecting. If srsName attribute is not present, posList is assumed to use "ETRS89-LatLonh" reference system.
has super-classes
gml c
has sub-classes
gml linear ring c
is in domain of
gml pos list dp, srs dimension dp, srs name dp
is in range of
has gml line string op

gml linear ringc back to ToC or Class ToC


Closed line string not self-intersecting (i.e. having as last point the first point)
has super-classes
gml line string c
is in range of
has gml exterior linear ring op, has gml interior linear ring op

gml multi polygonc back to ToC or Class ToC


An area defined by a set of polygons acording to GML (EN ISO 19136).
has super-classes
gml c
is in domain of
gml area name dp, has gml polygon op
is in range of
has gml multi polygon op

gml polygonc back to ToC or Class ToC


Planar surface defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries
has super-classes
gml c
is in domain of
has gml exterior linear ring op, has gml interior linear ring op
is in range of
has gml polygon op

header informationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Management information relating to the data contained within a publication.
has super-classes
common classes c
is in domain of
allowed delivery channel op, has confidentiality op, has information status op
is in range of
has header information op

height coordinatec back to ToC or Class ToC


Third coordinate for points defined geodetically
has super-classes
point coordinates associations from c
is in domain of
has altitude confidence op, has height type enum op, has vertical position accuracy op, height value op
is in range of
has height coordinate op

height coordinate association fromc back to ToC or Class ToC


Third coordinate for points defined geodetically
has super-classes
location referencing c
has sub-classes
altitude confidence c

height grade enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


List of height or vertical gradings of road sections.
is equivalent to
{ above grade , at grade , below grade }
has super-classes
location referencing enumerations c
is in range of
has height grade of linear section op, has height grade of point op
has members
above grade ni, at grade ni, below grade ni

height type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Coded value for type of height
is equivalent to
{ ellipsoidal height , gravity related height , relative height }
has super-classes
location referencing enumerations c
is in range of
has height type enum op
has members
ellipsoidal height ni, gravity related height ni, relative height ni

impactc back to ToC or Class ToC


An assessment of the impact that an event or operator action defined by the situation record has on the driving conditions.
has super-classes
common classes c
is in domain of
capacity remaining dp, has delays op, number of lanes restricted dp, number of operational lanes dp, residual lane width op, residual road width op
is in range of
has impact op, has impact on opposite direction op

imported classesc back to ToC or Class ToC


Only for organizational purposes
has sub-classes
geo sparql classes c, geo w g s84 data properties data properties c, l c c country representation c, list c, ramon geo classes c, skos classes c, time classes c

information delivery services enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


is equivalent to
{ any general delivery service , safety services , vms }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
allowed delivery channel op
has members
any general delivery service ni, safety services ni, vms ni

information status enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Status of the related information (i.e. real, test or exercise).
is equivalent to
{ real , security exercise , technical exercise , test }
has super-classes
pay load enumerations c
is in range of
has information status op
has members
real ni, security exercise ni, technical exercise ni, test ni

infrastructure damage obstructionc back to ToC or Class ToC


An obstruction on the road caused by one Infrastructure Damage
has super-classes
obstruction c
is in domain of
has infrastructure damage type op

infrastructure damage type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of infrastructure damage which may have an effect on the road network.
is equivalent to
{ burst pipe , burst water main , collapsed sewer , damaged bridge , damaged crash barrier , damaged flyover , damaged gallery , damaged gantry , damaged road surface , damaged tunnel , damaged viaduct , fallen power cables , gas leak , other , weak bridge }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has infrastructure damage type op
has members
burst pipe ni, burst water main ni, collapsed sewer ni, damaged bridge ni, damaged crash barrier ni, damaged flyover ni, damaged gallery ni, damaged gantry ni, damaged road surface ni, damaged tunnel ni, damaged viaduct ni, fallen power cables ni, gas leak ni, other ni, weak bridge ni

infrastructure descriptor enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Descriptor identifying infrastructure to help to identify a specific location.
has super-classes
location referencing enumerations c
is in range of
has infrastructure descriptor op
has members
at motorway interchange ni, at rest area ni, at service area ni, at toll plaza ni, at tunnel entry or exit ni, in gallery ni, in tunnel ni, on bridge ni, on connector ni, on elevated section ni, on flyover ni, on ice road ni, on level crossing ni, on link road ni, on roundabout ni, on the roadway ni, on underground section ni, on underpass ni, within junction ni

international identifierc back to ToC or Class ToC


An identifier/name whose range is specific to the particular country.
has super-classes
common classes c
is in domain of
national identifier dp
is in range of
publication creator op

iso named areac back to ToC or Class ToC


Iso named area The ISO 3166-2 representation for the named area.
has super-classes
named area c
is in domain of
has country subdivision op, has subdivision type enum op

itineraryc back to ToC or Class ToC


Multiple (i.e. more than one) physically separate locations arranged as an ordered set that defines an itinerary or route. In SRTI is not included ItineraryByReference
has super-classes
location reference c
has sub-classes
itinerary by indexed locations c

itinerary by indexed locationsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Multiple physically separate locations arranged as an ordered set that defines an itinerary or route. The index qualifier indicates the order. Association: 1..1 Location
has super-classes
itinerary c
is in domain of
has location contained in itinerary op

Januaryc back to ToC or Class ToC


Is deprecated
has super-classes
Date-Time description c

l c c country representationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Country Representation ontology provides a reference model to support the first two parts of ISO 3166, along with the other coding systems: - ISO 3166-1 (Country codes) establishes codes that represent the current names of countries, dependencies, and other areas of particular geopolitical interest, on the basis of lists of country names obtained from the United Nations. - ISO 3166-2 (Country subdivision code) establishes a code that represents the names of the principal administrative divisions, or similar areas, of the countries, etc. included in the ISO 3166-1. - ISO 3166-3 (Code for formerly used names of countries) establishes a code that represents non-current country names, i.e., the country names deleted from ISO 3166 since its first publication in 1974.
has super-classes
imported classes c
has sub-classes
alpha2 code c, country c, country subdivision c

lanec back to ToC or Class ToC


Indicates a specific lane or group of lanes.
has super-classes
supplementary positional pack c
is in domain of
has lane enum op, lane number dp
is in range of
has lane op

Languagec back to ToC or Class ToC


The default language used throughout the payload publication. Identifies a specified language by an ISO 639-1 2-alpha code.
Is defined by
has super-classes
common classes c
is in range of
default language op

linear direction enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Directions of traffic flow relative to the direction in which the linear element is defined.
is equivalent to
{ aligned , both , opposite , unknown }
has super-classes
location referencing enumerations c
is in range of
direction relative at point op, direction relative on linear section op, has alert c affected direction op
has members
aligned ni, both ni, opposite ni, unknown ni

linear elementc back to ToC or Class ToC


A linear element along a single linear object, consistent with EN ISO 19148 definitions.
has super-classes
linear referencing c
has sub-classes
linear element by code c, linear element by line string c
is in domain of
has linear element nature op, linear element reference model dp, linear element reference model version dp
is in range of
has linear element op

linear element by codec back to ToC or Class ToC


A linear element along a single linear object defined by its identifier or code in a road network reference model (specified in LinearElement class) which segments the road network according to specific business rules.
has super-classes
linear element c
is in domain of
linear element identifier dp

linear element by line stringc back to ToC or Class ToC


A linear element defined by a line string (class GmlLineString).
has super-classes
linear element c

linear element by pointsc back to ToC or Class ToC


A linear element along a single linear object defined by its start and end points.
is equivalent to
linear element c and (has referent end point linear element op exactly 1 referent c) and (has referent intermediate point linear element op exactly 1 referent c) and (has referent start point linear element op exactly 1 referent c)
is in domain of
has referent end point linear element op, has referent intermediate point linear element op, has referent start point linear element op

linear element nature enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


List of indicative natures of linear elements.
is equivalent to
{ other , road , road section , slip road }
has super-classes
location referencing enumerations c
is in range of
has linear element nature op
has members
other ni, road ni, road section ni, slip road ni

linear locationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Location representing a linear section with optional directionality defined between two points. Any LinearLocation must have an instance of at least one of these classes. If using multiple instances, producers must take care to ensure they represent the same location. Associations: 0..1 OpenlrLinear 0..1 GmlLineString 0..1 SupplementaryPositionalDescription
has super-classes
network location c
has sub-classes
single road linear location c
is in domain of
has openlr linear op, has secondary supplementary description op

linear referencingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Only for organizational purposes.Package LinearReferencing
has super-classes
location referencing c
has sub-classes
distance along linear element c, linear element c, linear within linear element c, point along linear element c, referent c

linear within linear elementc back to ToC or Class ToC


A linear section along a linear element where the linear element is either a part of or the whole of a linear object (i.e. a road), consistent with ISO 19148 definitions.
has super-classes
linear referencing c
is in domain of
direction on linear section op, direction relative on linear section op, has administrative area of linear section op, has distance along linear element from op, has distance along linear element to op, has height grade of linear section op
is in range of
has linear within linear element op

listc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
imported classes c

Locationc back to ToC or Class ToC


The specification of a location either on a network (as a point or a linear location) or as an area. This may be provided in one or more referencing systems. Association: 0..1PointCoordinates. In SRTI is not included LocationByReference.
has super-classes
location reference c
has sub-classes
area location c, network location c
is in range of
has location contained in itinerary op

location objectsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Only for organizational purposes
has super-classes
pay load publishing c
has sub-classes
alert c c, gml c, open l r c, tpeg loc c

location referencec back to ToC or Class ToC


Represents one or more physically separate locations. Multiple locations may be related, as in an itinerary or route, or may be unrelated. One LocationReference should not use multiple Location objects to represent the same physical location. In SRTI is not included LocationGroup
has super-classes
location referencing c
has sub-classes
Location c, itinerary c
is in domain of
is location reference of op
is in range of
has location reference op

location referencingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Only for organizational purposes.
has sub-classes
height coordinate association from c, linear referencing c, location reference c, named area c, offset distance c, point coordinates c, point coordinates associations from c, point coordinates associations to c, supplementary positional pack c

location referencing enumerationsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Only for organizational purposes
has super-classes
enums c
has sub-classes
alert c direction enum c, altitude accuracy enum c, area places enum c, carriageway enum c, direction enum c, direction purpose enum c, geographic characteristic enum c, height grade enum c, height type enum c, infrastructure descriptor enum c, lane enum c, linear direction enum c, linear element nature enum c, named area type enum c, nuts code type enum c, position confidence coded error enum c, referent type enum c, relative position on carriageway enum c, subdivision type enum c

maintenance vehicle actions enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of maintenance vehicle actions associated with roadworks.
is equivalent to
{ maintenance vehicles merging into traffic flow , salt and grit spreading , slow moving , snow clearing , stopping to service equipments }
has super-classes
situation enumerations c
is in range of
has maintenance vehicle actions op
has members
maintenance vehicles merging into traffic flow ni, salt and grit spreading ni, slow moving ni, snow clearing ni, stopping to service equipments ni

maintenance vehiclesc back to ToC or Class ToC


Details of the maintenance vehicles involved in the roadworks activity.
has super-classes
pay load publishing c
is in domain of
has maintenance vehicle actions op, number of maintenance vehicles dp
is in range of
has maintenance vehicles op

maintenance worksc back to ToC or Class ToC


Roadworks involving the maintenance or installation of infrastructure.
has super-classes
road works c
is in domain of
has road maintenance type op

metres as float valuec back to ToC or Class ToC


A measure of distance defined in metres in a floating point format.
has super-classes
QuantityValue c
is in range of
accuracy percentile50 op, accuracy percentile75 op, accuracy percentile95 op, distance along op, height op, height value op, length affected op, residual lane width op, residual road width op, semi major axis length op, semi minor axis length op

metres as non negative integer valuec back to ToC or Class ToC


A measure of distance defined in metres in a non negative integer format.
has super-classes
QuantityValue c
is in range of
location precision op, offset distance op, openlr negative offset op, openlr positive offset op, openlr radius op, queue length op, radius op

mobilityc back to ToC or Class ToC


An indication of whether the associated instance of a SituationRecord is mobile (e.g. a march or parade moving along a road) or stationary.
has super-classes
common classes c
is in domain of
has mobility type op, speed op
is in range of
has mobility op, has mobility of activity op, has mobility of obstruction op

mobility type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


An indication of whether the associated instance of a SituationRecord is mobile (e.g. a march or parade moving along a road) or stationary.
is equivalent to
{ mobile , stationary , unknown }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has mobility type op
has members
mobile ni, stationary ni, unknown ni

Month of yearc back to ToC or Class ToC


The month of the year
The month of the year
editorial note
Característica en riesgo - añadida en la revisión de 2017, y no utilizada todavía de forma amplia.
Feature at risk - added in 2017 revision, and not yet widely used.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Date-Time description c
is in range of
month of year op

named areac back to ToC or Class ToC


An area defined by a name and/or in terms of known boundaries, such as country or county boundaries or allocated control area of particular authority. The attributes do not form a union; instead, the smallest intersection forms the resulting area.
has super-classes
common classes c, location referencing c
has sub-classes
iso named area c, nuts named area c
is in domain of
area name property dp, has named area type enum op
is in range of
has named area op

network locationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Location c
has sub-classes
linear location c, point location c
is in domain of
has supplementary positional description op

network managementc back to ToC or Class ToC


Restrictions on road usage, whether by legal order or by operational decisions. It includes road and lane closures, weight and dimensional limits, banned turns, contraflows and alternate traffic operations.
has super-classes
operator action c
has sub-classes
general instruction or message to road users c, general network management c, rerouting management c, road or carriageway or lane management c, speed management c, winter driving management c

non weather related road condition type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of road surface conditions which are not related to the weather.
is equivalent to
{ leaves on road , loose chippings , loose sand on road , mud on road , oil on road , other , petrol on road , road surface in poor condition , slippery road }
has super-classes
situation enumerations c
is in range of
has non weather related road condition type enum op
has members
leaves on road ni, loose chippings ni, loose sand on road ni, mud on road ni, oil on road ni, other ni, petrol on road ni, road surface in poor condition ni, slippery road ni

non weather related road conditionsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Road surface conditions that are not related to the weather but which may affect driving conditions.
has super-classes
road surface conditions c
is in domain of
has non weather related road condition type enum op
is disjoint with
weather related road conditions c

nuts code type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of NUTS codes (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics) including LAU codes (Local Administrative Units).
is equivalent to
{ lau1 code , lau2 code , nuts1 code , nuts2 code , nuts3 code }
has super-classes
location referencing enumerations c
is in range of
has nuts code type enum op
has members
lau1 code ni, lau2 code ni, nuts1 code ni, nuts2 code ni, nuts3 code ni

nuts named areac back to ToC or Class ToC


The NUTS-Code representation for the named area (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics) or its LAU code representation (Local Administrative Unit).
is equivalent to
region c
has super-classes
named area c
is in domain of
has nuts code type enum op, nuts code op

NutsResourcec back to ToC or Class ToC


A NUTS code (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics).
Is defined by
has super-classes
common classes c
is in range of
nuts code op

obstructionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Any stationary or moving obstacle of a physical nature (e.g. obstacles or vehicles from an earlier accident, shed loads on carriageway, rock fall, abnormal or dangerous loads, or animals etc.) which could disrupt or endanger traffic.
has super-classes
traffic element c
has sub-classes
animal presence obstruction c, environmental obstruction c, general obstruction c, infrastructure damage obstruction c, vehicle obstruction c
is in domain of
has mobility of obstruction op, number of obstructions dp
is disjoint with
accident c, conditions c

obstruction type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of obstructions on the roadway.
is equivalent to
{ air crash , children on roadway , clearance work , cyclists on roadway , incident , object on the road , other , people on roadway , rail crash , rescue and recovery work , shed load , spillage on the road , unprotected accident area }
has super-classes
situation enumerations c
is in range of
has obstruction type enum op
has members
air crash ni, children on roadway ni, clearance work ni, cyclists on roadway ni, incident ni, object on the road ni, other ni, people on roadway ni, rail crash ni, rescue and recovery work ni, shed load ni, spillage on the road ni, unprotected accident area ni

offset distancec back to ToC or Class ToC


The non-negative offset distance from the ALERT-C referenced point to the actual point.
has super-classes
location referencing c
is in domain of
offset distance op
is in range of
has offset distance op

open l rc back to ToC or Class ToC


OpenLR location
has super-classes
location objects c
has sub-classes
openlr area location reference c, openlr base reference point c, openlr line c, openlr line attributes c, openlr offsets c, openlr path attributes c, openlr point location reference c, openlr polygon corners c, openlr rectangle c

openlr area location referencec back to ToC or Class ToC


A two-dimensional part of the surface of the earth which is bounded by a closed curve. An area location may cover parts of the road network but does not necessarily need to. It is represented according to the OpenLR standard for Area Locations
has super-classes
open l r c
has sub-classes
openlr circle location reference c, openlr closed line location reference c, openlr grid location reference c, openlr polygon location reference c, openlr rectangle location reference c
is in range of
has openlr area location reference op

openlr base point locationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Holds common data that are used both in OpenlrPointAccessPoint and OpenlrPointAlongLine.
has super-classes
openlr point location reference c
has sub-classes
openlr poi with access point c, openlr point along line c
is in domain of
has openlr orientation op, has openlr side of road op

openlr base reference pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


Base class used to hold data about a reference point.
has super-classes
open l r c
has sub-classes
openlr last location reference point c, openlr location reference point c
is in domain of
has openlr line attributes op

openlr circle location referencec back to ToC or Class ToC


The OpenLR method of area definition by providing a center position and a radius
has super-classes
openlr area location reference c
is in domain of
has openlr geo coordinate op, openlr radius op

openlr closed line location referencec back to ToC or Class ToC


The OpenLR method of area definition by providing a closed path (i.e. a circuit) in the road network. The boundary always consists of road segments
has super-classes
openlr area location reference c

openlr enumerationsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Only for organizational purposes
has super-classes
enums c
has sub-classes
openlr form of way enum c, openlr functional road class enum c, openlr orientation enum c, openlr side of road enum c

openlr form of way enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Enumeration of form of way
is equivalent to
{ motorway , multiple carriageway , other , roundabout , single carriageway , slip road , traffic square , undefined }
has super-classes
openlr enumerations c
is in range of
has openlr form of way enum op
has members
motorway ni, multiple carriageway ni, other ni, roundabout ni, single carriageway ni, slip road ni, traffic square ni, undefined ni

openlr functional road class enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Enumuration of functional road class
is equivalent to
{ frc0 , frc1 , frc2 , frc3 , frc4 , frc5 , frc6 , frc7 }
has super-classes
openlr enumerations c
is in range of
has openlr lowest frc to next l r point op
has members
frc0 ni, frc1 ni, frc2 ni, frc3 ni, frc4 ni, frc5 ni, frc6 ni, frc7 ni

openlr geo coordinatec back to ToC or Class ToC


A geo-coordinate pair is a position in a map defined by its longitude and latitude coordinate values.
has super-classes
openlr point location reference c
is in range of
has openlr geo coordinate op

openlr grid location referencec back to ToC or Class ToC


Area defined using an OpenLR™ method consisting in defining it by a tessellation of rectangles
has super-classes
openlr area location reference c
is in domain of
openlr num columns dp, openlr num rows dp

openlr last location reference pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


The sequence of location reference points is terminated by a last location reference point.
has super-classes
openlr base reference point c
is in range of
has openlr last location reference point op

openlr linec back to ToC or Class ToC


Only for organizational purposes.
has super-classes
open l r c
has sub-classes
openlr line location reference c, openlr linear c

openlr line attributesc back to ToC or Class ToC


Line attributes are part of a location reference point and consists of functional road class (FRC),form of way (FOW) and bearing (BEAR) data.
has super-classes
open l r c
is in domain of
has openlr form of way enum op, openlr bearing op
is in range of
has openlr line attributes op

openlr line location referencec back to ToC or Class ToC


A line location reference is defined by an ordered sequence of location reference points and a terminating last location reference point.
has super-classes
openlr line c
is in range of
has openlr first direction op, has openlr opposite direction op

openlr linearc back to ToC or Class ToC


OpenLR line location reference
has super-classes
openlr line c
is in domain of
has openlr first direction op, has openlr opposite direction op
is in range of
has openlr linear op

openlr location reference pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


The basis of a location reference is a sequence of location reference points (LRPs).
has super-classes
openlr base reference point c
is in domain of
has openlr path attributes op
is in range of
has openlr location reference point op

openlr offsetsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Offsets are used to locate the start and end of a location more precisely than bounding to the nodes in a network.
has super-classes
open l r c
is in domain of
openlr negative offset op, openlr positive offset op
is in range of
has openlr offsets op

openlr orientation enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Enumeration of side of road
is equivalent to
{ against line direction , both directions , no orientation or unknown , with line direction }
has super-classes
openlr enumerations c
is in range of
has openlr orientation op
has members
against line direction ni, both directions ni, no orientation or unknown ni, with line direction ni

openlr path attributesc back to ToC or Class ToC


Properties of the path from the associated location reference point to the next location reference point, which are specified to assist correct identification of the point in an external map data source.
has super-classes
open l r c
is in domain of
openlr distance to next l r point dp
is in range of
has openlr path attributes op

openlr poi with access pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


A point of interest (POI) along a line with access is a point location which is defined by a linear reference path, an offset value (defining the access point) from the starting node of this path and a coordinate pair that defines the POI itself.
has super-classes
openlr base point location c

openlr point along linec back to ToC or Class ToC


Point along a line
has super-classes
openlr base point location c

openlr point location referencec back to ToC or Class ToC


A point location is a zero-dimensional element in a map that specifies a geometric location.
has super-classes
open l r c
has sub-classes
openlr base point location c, openlr geo coordinate c
is in range of
has openlr point location reference op

openlr polygon cornersc back to ToC or Class ToC


A geodetic coordinate Tuple that defines the vertices of the underlying geometrical polygon.
has super-classes
open l r c
is in range of
has openlr polygon corners op

openlr polygon location referencec back to ToC or Class ToC


The OpenLR method of area definition by providing points that bound the area
has super-classes
openlr area location reference c
is in domain of
has openlr polygon corners op

openlr rectanglec back to ToC or Class ToC


Area delimited by a rectangle defined by the geodetic co-ordinates of the two ends of its diagonal from south-west to north-east (the rectangle having two sides that are parallel to lines of latitude)
has super-classes
open l r c
is in domain of
has openlr lower left op, has openlr upper right op
is in range of
has openlr rectangle op

openlr rectangle location referencec back to ToC or Class ToC


The openLR method of area definition by providing a rectangular shape defined by two geo-coordinate pairs
has super-classes
openlr area location reference c
is in domain of
has openlr rectangle op

openlr side of road enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Enumeration of side of road
is equivalent to
{ both sides , left , on road or unknown , right }
has super-classes
openlr enumerations c
is in range of
has openlr side of road op
has members
both sides ni, left ni, on road or unknown ni, right ni

operator actionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Actions that a traffic operator can decide to implement to prevent or help correct dangerous or poor driving conditions, including maintenance of the road infrastructure.
has super-classes
situation record c
has sub-classes
network management c, road works c, roadside assistance c

overall periodc back to ToC or Class ToC


A continuous or discontinuous period of validity defined by overall bounding start and end times and the possible intersection of valid periods (potentially recurring) with the complement of exception periods (also potentially recurring).
has super-classes
Proper interval c, common classes c
is in range of
validity time specification op

pay load enumerationsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Only for organizational purposes
has super-classes
enums c
has sub-classes
computation method enum c, information status enum c, validity status enum c, vehicle status enum c, vehicle type enum c

pay load publishingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Only for organizational purposes. Package PayloadPublication
has sub-classes
location objects c, maintenance vehicles c, payload publication c, situation c, situation record c

payload publicationc back to ToC or Class ToC


A payload publication of traffic related information or associated management information created at a specific point in time that can be exchanged via a DATEX II interface.
has super-classes
pay load publishing c
has sub-classes
situation publication c
is in domain of
default language op, feed description dp, feed type dp, publication creator op, publication time dp

percentage distance along linear elementc back to ToC or Class ToC


Distance of a point along a linear element measured from the start node expressed as a percentage of the whole length of the linear element, where start node is relative to the element definition rather than the direction of traffic flow.
has super-classes
distance along linear element c
is in domain of
percentage distance along dp

person category enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Categories of person.
is equivalent to
{ adult , child , emergency services person , fireman , infant , medical staff , member of the public , policeman , politician , public transport passenger , sick person , traffic officer , traffic warden , very important person }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
traffic manually directed by op
has members
adult ni, child ni, emergency services person ni, fireman ni, infant ni, medical staff ni, member of the public ni, policeman ni, politician ni, public transport passenger ni, sick person ni, traffic officer ni, traffic warden ni, very important person ni

pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


Uniquely identified by lat/long/alt. i.e. spaciallyIntersects(P1, P2) :- lat(P1, LAT), long(P1, LONG), alt(P1, ALT), lat(P2, LAT), long(P2, LONG), alt(P2, ALT). sameThing(P1, P2) :- type(P1, Point), type(P2, Point), spaciallyIntersects(P1, P2).
Is defined by
has super-classes
spatial thing c
has sub-classes
point coordinates c

point along linear elementc back to ToC or Class ToC


A point on a linear element where the linear element is either a part of or the whole of a linear object (i.e. a road), consistent with EN ISO 19148 definitions.
has super-classes
linear referencing c
is in domain of
direction at point op, direction relative at point op, has administrative area of point op, has distance along linear element op, has height grade of point op
is in range of
has point along linear element op

point by coordinatesc back to ToC or Class ToC


A single point defined only by a coordinate set with an optional bearing direction.
has super-classes
point coordinates associations to c
is in domain of
bearing op
is in range of
has point by coordinates op

point coordinatesc back to ToC or Class ToC


In Datex II definition, a pair of planar coordinates defining the geodetic position of a single point using the European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS89). Note: At the moment, in Spain it is used the WGS84 and so, the 2 references are possible ( geo/wgs84_pos (lat, long) / geo_coreDataProperties (xETRS89,yETRS89) ).
has super-classes
location referencing c, point c
is in domain of
has height coordinate op, has horizontal position accuracy op, has position confidence ellipse op, latitude dp, longitude dp, xETRS89 dp, yETRS89 dp
is in range of
has centre point op, has openlr coordinates op, has openlr lower left op, has openlr upper right op, has point coordinates op

point coordinates associations fromc back to ToC or Class ToC


Only for organizational purposes.Package PointCoordinates.
has super-classes
location referencing c
has sub-classes
height coordinate c, position accuracy c, position confidence ellipse c

point coordinates associations toc back to ToC or Class ToC


A pair of planar coordinates defining the geodetic position of a single point using the European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS89).
has super-classes
location referencing c
has sub-classes
point by coordinates c

point locationc back to ToC or Class ToC


At least one of these aggregated classes must be present. If using multiple instances of the agregated classes, producers must take care to ensure they present the same location. Associations: 0..1 PointByCoordinates 0..* PointAlongLinearElement 0..* AlertCPoint 0..1 TpegPointLocation 0..1 OpenlrPointLocationReference
has super-classes
network location c
is in domain of
has alert c point op, has openlr point location reference op, has point along linear element op, has point by coordinates op, has tpeg point location op

poor environment conditionsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Any environmental conditions which may be affecting the driving conditions on the road.
has super-classes
conditions c
is in domain of
has poor environment type enum op

poor environment type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of poor environmental conditions.
is equivalent to
{ bad weather , blowing dust , blowing snow , crosswinds , extreme cold , extreme heat , fog , frost , hail , rain , sand storms , smoke hazard , snow fall , storm force winds , strong gusts of winds , strong winds , swarm of insects , visibility reduced }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has poor environment type enum op
has members
bad weather ni, blowing dust ni, blowing snow ni, crosswinds ni, extreme cold ni, extreme heat ni, fog ni, frost ni, hail ni, rain ni, sand storms ni, smoke hazard ni, snow fall ni, storm force winds ni, strong gusts of winds ni, strong winds ni, swarm of insects ni, visibility reduced ni

position accuracyc back to ToC or Class ToC


Horizontal position accuracy parameters defined according to EN 16803-1
has super-classes
point coordinates associations from c
is in domain of
accuracy percentile50 op, accuracy percentile75 op, accuracy percentile95 op
is in range of
has horizontal position accuracy op, has vertical position accuracy op

position confidence coded error enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Error code for horizontal or vertical position confidence
is equivalent to
{ out of range , unavailable }
has super-classes
location referencing enumerations c
is in range of
has position confidence coded error enum op, has semi major axis length coded error op, has semi minor axis length coded error op
has members
out of range ni, unavailable ni

position confidence ellipsec back to ToC or Class ToC


Confidence ellipse position defined in a shape of ellipse with a predefined confidence level (e.g. 95 %). The centre of the ellipse shape corresponds to the reference position point for which the position accuracy is evaluated.
has super-classes
point coordinates associations from c
is in domain of
has semi major axis length coded error op, has semi minor axis length coded error op, semi major axis length op, semi major axis orientation op, semi major axis orientation error dp, semi minor axis length op
is in range of
has position confidence ellipse op

probability of occurrence enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Levels of confidence that the sender has in the information, ordered {certain, probable, risk of}.
is equivalent to
{ certain , improbable , probable , risk of }
has super-classes
situation enumerations c
is in range of
has probability of occurrence op
has members
certain ni, improbable ni, probable ni, risk of ni

Proper intervalc back to ToC or Class ToC


A temporal entity with non-zero extent or duration, i.e. for which the value of the beginning and end are different
A temporal entity with non-zero extent or duration, i.e. for which the value of the beginning and end are different
Is defined by
has super-classes
Time interval c
has sub-classes
Date-time interval c, overall period c
is in domain of
interval after op, interval before op, interval contains op, interval disjoint op, interval during op, interval equals op, interval finished by op, interval finishes op, interval in op, interval meets op, interval met by op, interval overlapped by op, interval overlaps op, interval started by op, interval starts op
is in range of
interval after op, interval before op, interval contains op, interval disjoint op, interval during op, interval equals op, interval finished by op, interval finishes op, interval in op, interval meets op, interval met by op, interval overlapped by op, interval overlaps op, interval started by op, interval starts op
is disjoint with
Time instant c

public eventc back to ToC or Class ToC


Public event
has super-classes
activity c
is in domain of
has public event type op, venue name dp

public event type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of public events.
is equivalent to
{ agricultural show , air show , athletics meeting , ball game , baseball game , basketball game , bicycle race , boat race , boat show , boxing tournament , bull fight , ceremonial event , commercial event , concert , cricket match , cultural event , exhibition , fair , festival , film t v making , football match , funfair , gardening or flower show , golf tournament , hockey game , horse race meeting , international sports meeting , major event , marathon , market , match , motor show , motor sport race meeting , other , parade , procession , race meeting , rugby match , several major events , show , show jumping , sports meeting , state occasion , tennis tournament , tournament , trade fair , water sports meeting , winter sports meeting }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has public event type op
has members
agricultural show ni, air show ni, athletics meeting ni, ball game ni, baseball game ni, basketball game ni, bicycle race ni, boat race ni, boat show ni, boxing tournament ni, bull fight ni, ceremonial event ni, commercial event ni, concert ni, cricket match ni, cultural event ni, exhibition ni, fair ni, festival ni, film t v making ni, football match ni, funfair ni, gardening or flower show ni, golf tournament ni, hockey game ni, horse race meeting ni, international sports meeting ni, major event ni, marathon ni, market ni, match ni, motor show ni, motor sport race meeting ni, other ni, parade ni, procession ni, race meeting ni, rugby match ni, several major events ni, show ni, show jumping ni, sports meeting ni, state occasion ni, tennis tournament ni, tournament ni, trade fair ni, water sports meeting ni, winter sports meeting ni

QuantityValuec back to ToC or Class ToC


A quantity value expresses the numerical value of a quantity with respect to a chosen unit of measure.
Is defined by
has super-classes
data value c
has sub-classes
angle in degrees value c, metres as float value c, metres as non negative integer value c, speed value c

ramon geo classesc back to ToC or Class ToC


RAMON geographic ontology describes countries, NUTS, and Local Administrative Units (LAU) related concepts and properties
has super-classes
imported classes c
has sub-classes
region c

referentc back to ToC or Class ToC


A referent on a linear object that has a known location such as a node, a reference marker (e.g. a marker-post), an intersection etc.
has super-classes
linear referencing c
is in domain of
has referent type enum op, referent description dp, referent identifier dp, referent name dp
is in range of
has referent op, has referent end point linear element op, has referent from op, has referent intermediate point linear element op, has referent start point linear element op, has referent towards op

referent type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


A set of types of known points along a linear object such as a road.
is equivalent to
{ boundary , intersection , landmark , reference marker , road node }
has super-classes
location referencing enumerations c
is in range of
has referent type enum op
has members
boundary ni, intersection ni, landmark ni, reference marker ni, road node ni

regionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Is defined by
has super-classes
ramon geo classes c
is in domain of
region code

relative position on carriageway enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Identifies a relative position across a carriageway
is equivalent to
{ in the centre , on the left , on the right }
has super-classes
location referencing enumerations c
is in range of
has position on carriageway op
has members
in the centre ni, on the left ni, on the right ni

relative traffic flow enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Assessment of the traffic flow conditions relative to normally expected conditions at this date/time.
is equivalent to
{ traffic flow normal , traffic heavier than normal , traffic lighter than normal , traffic very much heavier than normal , traffic very much lighter than normal }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has relative traffic flow enum op
has members
traffic flow normal ni, traffic heavier than normal ni, traffic lighter than normal ni, traffic very much heavier than normal ni, traffic very much lighter than normal ni

rerouting managementc back to ToC or Class ToC


Rerouting management action that is issued by the network/road operator.
has super-classes
network management c
is in domain of
has rerouting management type op

rerouting management type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Management actions relating to rerouting.
is equivalent to
{ do not follow diversion signs , do not use entry , do not use exit , do not use intersection or junction , follow diversion signs , follow local diversion , follow special markers , use entry , use exit , use intersection or junction }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has rerouting management type op
has members
do not follow diversion signs ni, do not use entry ni, do not use exit ni, do not use intersection or junction ni, follow diversion signs ni, follow local diversion ni, follow special markers ni, use entry ni, use exit ni, use intersection or junction ni

road informationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Information on a road
has super-classes
supplementary positional pack c
is in domain of
road destination dp
is in range of
has road information op

road maintenance type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of road maintenance.
is equivalent to
{ maintenance work , other , repair work , resurfacing work , road marking work , snowploughs in use }
has super-classes
situation enumerations c
is in range of
has road maintenance type op
has members
maintenance work ni, other ni, repair work ni, resurfacing work ni, road marking work ni, snowploughs in use ni

road numberc back to ToC or Class ToC


The road number designated by the road authority
has super-classes
supplementary positional pack c
is in range of
has road number op

road or carriageway or lane managementc back to ToC or Class ToC


Road, carriageway or lane management action that is instigated by the network/road operator.
has super-classes
network management c
is in domain of
has road or carriageway or lane management type op, minimum car occupancy dp

road or carriageway or lane management type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Management actions relating to road, carriageway or lane usage.
is equivalent to
{ car pool lane in operation , carriageway closures , clear a lane for emergency vehicles , clear a lane for snowploughs and gritting vehicles , closed permanently for the winter , contraflow , do not use specified lanes or carriageways , hard shoulder running in operation , height restriction in operation , intermittent short term closures , keep to the left , keep to the right , lane closures , lanes deviated , narrow lanes , new roadworks layout , other , overnight closures , road cleared , road closed , rolling road block , rush hour lane in operation , single alternate line traffic , tidal flow lane in operation , turn around in operation , use of specified lanes or carriageways allowed , use specified lanes or carriageways , vehicle storage in operation , weight restriction in operation }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has road or carriageway or lane management type op
has members
car pool lane in operation ni, carriageway closures ni, clear a lane for emergency vehicles ni, clear a lane for snowploughs and gritting vehicles ni, closed permanently for the winter ni, contraflow ni, do not use specified lanes or carriageways ni, hard shoulder running in operation ni, height restriction in operation ni, intermittent short term closures ni, keep to the left ni, keep to the right ni, lane closures ni, lanes deviated ni, narrow lanes ni, new roadworks layout ni, other ni, overnight closures ni, road cleared ni, road closed ni, rolling road block ni, rush hour lane in operation ni, single alternate line traffic ni, tidal flow lane in operation ni, turn around in operation ni, use of specified lanes or carriageways allowed ni, use specified lanes or carriageways ni, vehicle storage in operation ni, weight restriction in operation ni

road surface conditionsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Conditions of the road surface which may affect driving conditions. These may be related to the weather (e.g. ice, snow etc.) or to other conditions (e.g. oil, mud, leaves etc. on the road)
has super-classes
conditions c
has sub-classes
non weather related road conditions c, weather related road conditions c

road worksc back to ToC or Class ToC


Highway maintenance, installation and construction activities that may potentially affect traffic operations.
has super-classes
operator action c
has sub-classes
construction works c, maintenance works c
is in domain of
has maintenance vehicles op, has roadworks duration op, has roadworks scale enum op, public transport alternative dp, roadworks identifier dp, under traffic dp, urgent roadworks dp

roadside assistancec back to ToC or Class ToC


Details of road side assistance required or being given.
has super-classes
operator action c
is in domain of
has roadside assistence type enum op

roadside assistance type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Indicates the nature of the road side assistance that will be, is or has been provided.
is equivalent to
{ air ambulance , bus passenger assistance , emergency services , first aid , food delivery , helicopter rescue , other , vehicle recovery , vehicle repair }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
has members
air ambulance ni, bus passenger assistance ni, emergency services ni, first aid ni, food delivery ni, helicopter rescue ni, other ni, vehicle recovery ni, vehicle repair ni

roadworks duration enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Expected durations of roadworks in general terms.
is equivalent to
{ long term , medium term , short term }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has roadworks duration op
has members
long term ni, medium term ni, short term ni

roadworks scale enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Grade of complexity of the roadworks according to the responsible road operator. For example determined by size, duration and/or traffic disruption.
is equivalent to
{ major , medium roadworks scale , minor }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has roadworks scale enum op
has members
major ni, medium roadworks scale ni, minor ni

severity enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Levels of severity of a situation as whole assessed by the impact that the situation may have on traffic flow as perceived by the supplier.
is equivalent to
{ high , highest , low , lowest , medium , none , unknown }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has severity enum op
has members
high ni, highest ni, low ni, lowest ni, medium ni, none ni, unknown ni

single road linear locationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Location representing a linear section along a single road with optional directionality defined between two points on the same road. No matter the kind of linear reference it uses, the constraint of using only a single road must be preserved. Associations: 0..1 TpegLinearLocation 0..* AlertCLinear
has super-classes
linear location c
is in domain of
has alert c linear op, has linear within linear element op, has tpeg linear location op

situationc back to ToC or Class ToC


An identifiable instance of a traffic/travel situation comprising one or more traffic/travel circumstances which are linked by one or more causal relationships. Each traffic/travel circumstance is represented by a Situation Record.
has super-classes
pay load publishing c
is in domain of
has header information op, has situation record op
is in range of
has situation op

situation publicationc back to ToC or Class ToC


A publication containing zero or more traffic/travel situations.
has super-classes
payload publication c
is in domain of
has situation op

situation recordc back to ToC or Class ToC


Any situation record. An identifiable versioned instance of a single record/element within a situation.
has super-classes
Feature c, pay load publishing c
has sub-classes
operator action c, traffic element c
is in domain of
confidentiality override op, has impact op, has impact on opposite direction op, has location reference op, has mobility op, has probability of occurrence op, has severity enum op, has source op, has subject op, has validity op, safety related message dp, situation record creation reference dp, situation record creation time dp, situation record first supplier version time dp, situation record observation time dp, situation record version dp, situation record version time dp
is in range of
has situation record op, is location reference of op

skos classesc back to ToC or Class ToC


Skos Vocabulary
has super-classes
imported classes c
has sub-classes
collection c, concept c, concept scheme c

sourcec back to ToC or Class ToC


Details of the source from which the information was obtained.
has super-classes
common classes c
is in domain of
reliable dp, source country op, source identification dp, source name dp, source type op
is in range of
has source op

source type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Information about the technology used for measuring the data or the method used for obtaining qualitative descriptions relating to this version of the information.
is equivalent to
{ automobile club patrol , camera observation , freight vehicle operator , induction loop monitoring station , infrared monitoring station , microwave monitoring station , mobile telephone caller , non police emergency service patrol , other official vehicle , police patrol , private breakdown service , public and private utilities , registered motorist observer , road authorities , road operator patrol , roadside telephone caller , spotter aircraft , traffic monitoring station , transit operator , vehicle probe measurement , video processing monitoring station }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
source type op
has members
automobile club patrol ni, camera observation ni, freight vehicle operator ni, induction loop monitoring station ni, infrared monitoring station ni, microwave monitoring station ni, mobile telephone caller ni, non police emergency service patrol ni, other official vehicle ni, police patrol ni, private breakdown service ni, public and private utilities ni, registered motorist observer ni, road authorities ni, road operator patrol ni, roadside telephone caller ni, spotter aircraft ni, traffic monitoring station ni, transit operator ni, vehicle probe measurement ni, video processing monitoring station ni

Spatial Objectc back to ToC or Class ToC


Anything spatial (being or having a shape, position or an extent).
Is defined by
has super-classes
geo sparql classes c
has sub-classes
Feature c, Geometry c
is in domain of
contains op, contains op, covered by op, covers op, crosses op, disconnected op, disjoint op, disjoint op, equals op, equals op, equals op, externally connected op, has area op, has area in square meters dp, has length op, has length in meters dp, has metric size dp, has perimeter length op, has perimeter length in meters dp, has size op, has volume op, has volume in cubic meters dp, inside op, intersects op, meet op, non-tangential proper part op, non-tangential proper part inverse op, overlap op, overlaps op, partially overlapping op, tangential proper part op, tangential proper part inverse op, touches op, within op
is in range of
contains op, contains op, covered by op, covers op, crosses op, disconnected op, disjoint op, disjoint op, equals op, equals op, equals op, externally connected op, inside op, intersects op, meet op, non-tangential proper part op, non-tangential proper part inverse op, overlap op, overlaps op, partially overlapping op, tangential proper part op, tangential proper part inverse op, touches op, within op

Spatial Object Collectionc back to ToC or Class ToC


A collection of individual Spatial Objects.
Is defined by
has super-classes
has sub-classes
Feature Collection c, Geometry Collection c

spatial thingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Spatial thing
Is defined by
has super-classes
geo w g s84 data properties data properties c
has sub-classes
point c

speed managementc back to ToC or Class ToC


Speed management action that is instigated by the network/road operator.
has super-classes
network management c
is in domain of
has speed management type op, temporary speed limit op

speed management type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Management actions relating to speed.
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has speed management type op
has members
observe speed limits ni, other ni, police speed checks in operation ni, reduce your speed ni

speed valuec back to ToC or Class ToC


A measured or calculated value of speed.
has super-classes
QuantityValue c
is in range of
speed op, temporary speed limit op

subdivision type enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


ISO 3166-2 subdivison types.
is equivalent to
{ administrative atoll , administrative region , administrative territory , arctic region , autonomous city , autonomous city in north africa , autonomous community , autonomous district , autonomous province , autonomous region , canton , capital city , city , city municipality , city of county right , commune , council area , country , county , department , dependency , district , district municipality , district with special status , entity , geographical entity , governorate , laender , local council , london borough , metropolitan area , metropolitan department , metropolitan district , metropolitan region , municipality , other , overseas department , overseas region , overseas territorial collectivity , parish , province , quarter , region , republic , republican city , self governed part , special municipality , state , territorial unit , territory , two tier county , unitary authority , ward }
has super-classes
location referencing enumerations c
is in range of
has subdivision type enum op
has members
administrative atoll ni, administrative region ni, administrative territory ni, arctic region ni, autonomous city ni, autonomous city in north africa ni, autonomous community ni, autonomous district ni, autonomous province ni, autonomous region ni, canton ni, capital city ni, city ni, city municipality ni, city of county right ni, commune ni, council area ni, country ni, county ni, department ni, dependency ni, district ni, district municipality ni, district with special status ni, entity ni, geographical entity ni, governorate ni, laender ni, local council ni, london borough ni, metropolitan area ni, metropolitan department ni, metropolitan district ni, metropolitan region ni, municipality ni, other ni, overseas department ni, overseas region ni, overseas territorial collectivity ni, parish ni, province ni, quarter ni, region ni, republic ni, republican city ni, self governed part ni, special municipality ni, state ni, territorial unit ni, territory ni, two tier county ni, unitary authority ni, ward ni

subject type of works enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


The subjects with which the roadworks are associated.
is equivalent to
{ bridge , buried cables , buried services , crash barrier , gallery , gantry , gas main work , interchange , junction , level crossing , lighting system , measurement equipment , noise protection , other , road , road signs , roadside drains , roadside embankment , roadside equipment , roundabout , toll gate , tunnel , water main }
has super-classes
non s r t i enum c
is in range of
has subject type of works op
has members
bridge ni, buried cables ni, buried services ni, crash barrier ni, gallery ni, gantry ni, gas main work ni, interchange ni, junction ni, level crossing ni, lighting system ni, measurement equipment ni, noise protection ni, other ni, road ni, road signs ni, roadside drains ni, roadside embankment ni, roadside equipment ni, roundabout ni, toll gate ni, tunnel ni, water main ni

subjectsc back to ToC or Class ToC


The subjects with which the roadworks are associated.
has super-classes
common classes c
is in domain of
has subject type of works op, number of subjects dp
is in range of
has subject op

supplementary positional descriptionc back to ToC or Class ToC


A collection of supplementary positional information which improves the precision of the location.
has super-classes
supplementary positional pack c
is in domain of
has carriageway op, has direction purpose op, has geographic descriptor op, has infrastructure descriptor op, has position on carriageway op, has road information op, length affected op, location description dp, location precision op, sequential ramp number dp
is in range of
has secondary supplementary description op, has supplementary positional description op

supplementary positional packc back to ToC or Class ToC


Supplementary positional information
has super-classes
location referencing c
has sub-classes
carriageway c, lane c, road information c, road number c, supplementary positional description c

t p e g loc01 linear location subtype enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of linear location.
is equivalent to
{ segment }
has super-classes
tpeg enumerations c
is in range of
tpeg linear location type op
has members
segment ni

Temporal durationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Time extent; duration of a time interval separate from its particular start position
Time extent; duration of a time interval separate from its particular start position
Is defined by
has super-classes
time classes c
has sub-classes
Generalized duration description c, Temporal unit c, Time duration c
is in range of
has temporal duration op

Temporal entityc back to ToC or Class ToC


A temporal interval or instant.
A temporal interval or instant.
Is defined by
is equivalent to
Time instant c or Time interval c
has super-classes
thing c, time classes c
has sub-classes
Time instant c, Time interval c
is in domain of
after op, before op, has XSD duration dp, has beginning op, has end op, has temporal duration op
is in range of
after op, before op, has time op

Temporal positionc back to ToC or Class ToC


A position on a time-line
A position on a time-line
Is defined by
has super-classes
time classes c
has sub-classes
Generalized date-time description c, Time position c
is in range of
Temporal position op

Temporal Reference Systemc back to ToC or Class ToC


A temporal reference system, such as a temporal coordinate system (with an origin, direction, and scale), a calendar-clock combination, or a (possibly hierarchical) ordinal system. This is a stub class, representing the set of all temporal reference systems.
A temporal reference system, such as a temporal coordinate system (with an origin, direction, and scale), a calendar-clock combination, or a (possibly hierarchical) ordinal system. This is a stub class, representing the set of all temporal reference systems.
Is defined by
has super-classes
time classes c
is in range of
Temporal reference system used op

Temporal unitc back to ToC or Class ToC


A standard duration, which provides a scale factor for a time extent, or the granularity or precision for a time position.
A standard duration, which provides a scale factor for a time extent, or the granularity or precision for a time position.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Temporal duration c
is in range of
temporal unit type op

time classesc back to ToC or Class ToC


OWL-Time is an ontology of temporal concepts, for describing the temporal properties of resources. The vocabulary provided expresses facts about relations among instants and intervals, as well as durations. Time positions and durations may be expressed using either the conventional (Gregorian) calendar and clock, or using another temporal reference system such as Unix-time, geologic time, or different calendars.
has super-classes
imported classes c
has sub-classes
Day of week c, Temporal Reference System c, Temporal duration c, Temporal entity c, Temporal position c, Time Zone c

Time durationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Duration of a temporal extent expressed as a number scaled by a temporal unit
Duration of a temporal extent expressed as a number scaled by a temporal unit
Is defined by
has super-classes
Temporal duration c
is in domain of
Numeric value of temporal duration dp
is in range of
has duration op

Time instantc back to ToC or Class ToC


A temporal entity with zero extent or duration
A temporal entity with zero extent or duration
Is defined by
has super-classes
Temporal entity c
is in domain of
Temporal position op, Time position op, in XSD Date-Time dp, in XSD Date-Time-Stamp dp, in XSD date dp, in XSD g-Year dp, in XSD g-YearMonth dp, in date-time description op
is in range of
has beginning op, has end op, has time instant inside op
is disjoint with
Proper interval c

Time intervalc back to ToC or Class ToC


A temporal entity with an extent or duration
A temporal entity with an extent or duration
Is defined by
has super-classes
Temporal entity c
has sub-classes
Proper interval c
is in domain of
has time instant inside op

Time positionc back to ToC or Class ToC


A temporal position described using either a (nominal) value from an ordinal reference system, or a (numeric) value in a temporal coordinate system.
A temporal position described using either a (nominal) value from an ordinal reference system, or a (numeric) value in a temporal coordinate system.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Temporal position c
is in domain of
Name of temporal position dp, Numeric value of temporal position dp
is in range of
Time position op

Time Zonec back to ToC or Class ToC


A Time Zone specifies the amount by which the local time is offset from UTC. A time zone is usually denoted geographically (e.g. Australian Eastern Daylight Time), with a constant value in a given region. The region where it applies and the offset from UTC are specified by a locally recognised governing authority.
A Time Zone specifies the amount by which the local time is offset from UTC. A time zone is usually denoted geographically (e.g. Australian Eastern Daylight Time), with a constant value in a given region. The region where it applies and the offset from UTC are specified by a locally recognised governing authority.
Is defined by
has super-classes
time classes c
is in range of
in time zone op

tpeg area descriptorc back to ToC or Class ToC


A descriptor for describing an area location.
has super-classes
tpeg descriptor c
is in domain of
tpeg area descriptor type op
is in range of
has tpeg area descriptor op

tpeg area locationc back to ToC or Class ToC


A geographic or geometric area defined by a TPEG-Loc structure which may include height information for additional geospatial discrimination
has super-classes
tpeg loc c
has sub-classes
tpeg geometric area c, tpeg named only area c
is in domain of
has tpeg height op, tpeg area location type op
is in range of
has tpeg area location op

tpeg descriptorc back to ToC or Class ToC


A collection of information providing descriptive references to locations using the TPEG-Loc location referencing approach.
has super-classes
tpeg loc c
has sub-classes
tpeg area descriptor c, tpeg point descriptor c
is in domain of
descriptor op, descriptor string dp

tpeg framed pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


A point on the road network which is framed between two other points on the same road.
has super-classes
tpeg point location c
is in domain of
has tpeg framed point op, tpeg framed point location type op

tpeg geometric areac back to ToC or Class ToC


A geometric area defined by a centre point and a radius.
has super-classes
tpeg area location c
is in domain of
has centre point op, radius op

tpeg heightc back to ToC or Class ToC


Height information which provides additional discrimination for the applicable area.
has super-classes
tpeg loc c
is in domain of
height op, tpeg height type op
is in range of
has tpeg height op

tpeg ilc point descriptorc back to ToC or Class ToC


A descriptor for describing a junction by defining the intersecting roads.
has super-classes
tpeg point descriptor c
is in domain of
tpeg ilc point descriptor type op
is in range of
has tpeg ilc point descriptor op

tpeg junctionc back to ToC or Class ToC


A point on the road network which is a road junction point.
has super-classes
tpeg point c
is in domain of
has tpeg ilc point descriptor op, has tpeg junction point descriptor op
is disjoint with
tpeg non junction point c

tpeg junction point descriptorc back to ToC or Class ToC


A descriptor for describing a point at a junction on a road network.
has super-classes
tpeg point descriptor c
is in domain of
tpeg junction point descriptor type op
is in range of
has tpeg junction point descriptor op

tpeg linear locationc back to ToC or Class ToC


A linear section along a single road defined between two points on the same road by a TPEG-Loc structure.
has super-classes
tpeg loc c
is in domain of
tpeg linear location type op
is in range of
has tpeg linear location op

tpeg locc back to ToC or Class ToC


Tpeg location
has super-classes
location objects c
has sub-classes
tpeg area location c, tpeg descriptor c, tpeg height c, tpeg linear location c, tpeg point c, tpeg point location c

tpeg loc01 area location subtype enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of area.
is equivalent to
{ large area , other }
has super-classes
tpeg enumerations c
is in range of
tpeg area location type op
has members
large area ni, other ni

tpeg loc01 framed point location subtype enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of points on the road network framed by two other points on the same road.
is equivalent to
{ framed point }
has super-classes
tpeg enumerations c
is in range of
tpeg framed point location type op
has members
framed point ni

tpeg loc01 simple point location subtype enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Types of simple point.
is equivalent to
{ intersection , non linked point }
has super-classes
tpeg enumerations c
is in range of
tpeg simple point location type op
has members
intersection ni, non linked point ni

tpeg loc03 area descriptor subtype enumc back to ToC or Class ToC


Descriptors for describing area locations.
is equivalent to
{ administrative area name , administrative reference name , area name , county name , lake name , nation name , other , police force control area name , region name , sea name , town name }
has super-classes
tpeg enumerations c
is in range of
tpeg area descriptor type op
has members
administrative area name ni, administrative reference name ni, area name ni, county name ni,